General Mathematics Unit 3 Revision

The two Revision Courses for this unit are as follows:
General Mathematics Unit 3 AOS 1 – Data Analysis
Students will revise and test their knowledge in data analysis through the following chapters:
Using your CAS
Data Distributions
Two Variables
Linear Associations
Time Series
General Mathematics Unit 3 AOS 1 – Recursion and financial modelling
Students will revise and test their knowledge in recursion and financial modelling through the following chapters:
Recursion and Financial Modelling Overview
Compound Interest, Investments and Loans
Reducing Balance Loans
Annuities and Perpetuities
Compound Interest Investment with Periodic Additions
General Mathematics Unit 3 Revision is available through the following program types. Select a program type to view more information.
Online Portal
This course includes a pre- and post-test to provide teachers and students with feedback to guide preparation for the exam.
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